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LTLB Renovate is a handyman service group dedicated to providing home maintenance services for which our clients do not have the time to implement. Please go to our work tab to see the services we provide as well as examples of our work.


 Licenses and Certifications Please click the '+' to expand    [-

  • RESnet Energy Rater certification [Laureen Blissard (August 2013), Paul Blissard in progress]

  • The Energy and Environmental Building Alliance: Homes that Work [Building Science Workshop]

Before 2012
  • AIA (American Institute of Architects)
  • ALA (Association of Licensed Architects)
  • USGBC LEED® FacultyTM
  • LEED for Homes Green Rater
Team Resumes Please click the '+' to expand    [-

Paul Blissard, Senior Project Manager

IECC 2012 Residential Energy Inspector & Plans Examiner
Certified as a BPI Whole House Air Leakage Control Installer
Green Star Professional

Mr. Blissard holds a Bachelor's degree in education from Arkansas State University and has built a successful, long career in the education industry. Over the past 20 years or so, while an educator, he has completed renovations and provided handyman services to associates and former employers within the construction industry. The majority of the projects are small in scale such as kitchen renovations. Most if not all the projects have included installing of light fixtures, plumbing fixtures, cabinetry, countertops, flooring, and painting as well as general laborer work.

Additional Certifications, Accreditations, Licenses, or Registrations:
Certified as a BPI Whole House Air Leakage Control Installer
ICC Residential Energy Inspector / Plans Examiner (EXP. January 2017)
RESnet Energy Rater candidacy in progress
LEED for Homes GReen Rater in progress


Laureen T Blissard

AIA, ALA, NCARB, LEED®AP BD+C, LEED®AP HOMES, USGBC LEED® FacultyTM, LEED for Homes Green Rater, RESnet Energy Rater, IECC 2012 Residential Energy Inspector & Plans Examiner, Green Star Professional, PHIUS Rater

Ms. Blissard holds Bachelor's and Master's degrees in architecture from the University of Illinois and has built a successful 25-year+ practice in the design and construction of buildings, homes, and interiors. She is also a licensed architect in Illinois & Wisconsin as well as having received approval for reciprocal licensure designation in every state except California via NCARB certification (Certificate #62455). Additionally, she is a licensed interior designer in Illinois. Other accreditations & certifications include RESnet Energy Rater (RTIN #6768035), LEED AP BD+C, LEED AP HOMES, and USGBC LEED® Faculty™. Currently Laureen is also one of the few fully certified Green Raters in the State of Illinois that resides in Illinois as well as having been the State's first certified Green Rater.

A Founding member and Past Chair of the Illinois Chapter of the U.S. Green Building Council, Laureen has retired as the chapter's Governance committee Chair as of December 2013 after serving many years and was the 2010 recipient of the USGBC Illinois Chapter's Leadership Award. Additionally, she serves as a residential green building advocate which entails numerous public speaking engagements on behalf of the chapter and was subsequently the 2011 recipient of the USGBC Illinois Chapter's "Green Speak" Award.

Additionally, Laureen serves in the capacity of Technical Director for the Green Builder® Coalition. The Coalition is a national non-profit organization dedicated to achieving balance and harmony between the built and natural environments. It has been created as a new platform to provide a common voice for those devoted to sustainable living. Current activities include working with National USGBC and several other partners to speak on behalf of the International Green Construction Code (IgCC) as well as helping to promote a baseline residential green construction code. Additionally, the organization is working in partnership in the development of a sustainable recovery handbook that considers disaster resistant construction. In her role as the technical director, Laureen provides technical advice and specifications in the construction of green homes and buildings with an emphasis on the efficiency of the thermal envelope.

Additional Certifications, Accreditations, Licenses, or Registrations:
City of Chicago Self-Certification Architect
City of Chicago Registered Energy Professional (REP)
RESnet Energy Rater (RTIN #6768035)
ICC Residential Energy Inspector / Plans Examiner (EXP. January 2017)

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